

Friday Favorites + Blog Announcement

Hi loves! Happy Friday! So I'm coming at ya with a late post, I know but I wanted to get this up so I can stay on track with my posting. I really only have two favs for this week so I'm just going to hop right into them because I'm craving me some coffee [shocker, right?]

First fav is the beautiful Mindy Kaling + I'm pretty much obsessed with her + The Mindy Project. I've been searching for a good show to watch because I am SO picky about TV series. After the first episode I was hooked! She is seriously my spirit animal + the fact that she is HILARIOUS puts the cherry right on top of the cake! DO you guys watch The Mindy Project?!

My second fav for this Friday makes me SOOOOOOOOOOOOO excited because Jasmine over at Classy, Sassy & A Bit Smartassy + I are teaming up + hosting a weekly link up every Monday. We want to to help everyone start their weeks off with the right intentions so we want to hear THREE goals you have for the week + what steps you're going to take to accomplish those goals! It will be so much fun + I hope you all come join us! The link up buttons are on our sidebars! ;)

Well, that's it for today sweet souls. I hope you all enjoy the rest of your Friday + have an amazing weekend! XOXO

Light, love + all the kindness in the universe,

- C


Summer Vibes + Thankful Thursday

Not that I am not grateful every single day but I thought I would share some things that I am feeling extra, super grateful for this morning and why I am grateful for them...

I am thankful for: the rain... because for me it can mean washing away the negative and unnecessary baggage that no longer serves a purpose in my life and inviting in new intentions and more positive energy.

I am thankful for: my blog and the amazing blogging community... because; like I have mentioned before, I have spent majority of my life trying to find myself and my purpose and with this blog and wonderful blogging souls I have already connected with, I am learning to take it one day at a time and just feel it in my being. This feels like home.

I am thankful for: early mornings + coffee alone... because, I am a true introvert and being able to start my mornings + my thoughts off on the right track, keeps my frequency high + vibrant and allows me to have the mind set + motivation I need to enjoy my days.

Comment below with 3 things that you are grateful for today.
I would love to hear your thoughts!


So, for a little fun I thought I would share a little OOTD of my first official dress I have worn in over a year. Want to know a little secret about me? I've always felt uncomfortable in shorts, tanks, dresses, you name it because I was extremely self conscious about my body weight after having two kids so, for me this dress is a huge step and I have to admit, I don't hate it. Now, I am in no means a model and I felt completely awkward the whole time but stepping outside of comfort zones are fun and I kind of felt like a rebel.

The dress I have on was actually purchased through a lovely soul on Instagram and sadly I cannot remember the name of the account or I would post her link but who else is dying over floral this season!?

I could probably live in summer dresses and half top knots for the rest of my life now.

[Boots are from F21.]
Anddd the boots. My ultimate favs! I don't care how hot it gets, some girls have their uggs + I've got these beauties. Although, I get crazy looks and people always questioning why I'm wearing boots in 80 degree weather + my answer is simply YOLO. Love it? Then wear it and rock the eff out of it because who cares?

Well, I'm off to enjoy my second cup of coffee + get my wild cubs ready for the day.

P.S. Try something outside of your comfort zone today, k?
We have to embrace life every second.

Light, love and all the kindness in the universe,



5 Crucial Tips To Staying Organized

Hi there beautiful beings. Today I really wanted to touch down on a subject that I am vital about, and that is staying organized. As a WAHM [work at home mama] I have gone through so many different systems to try and get a routine working for my crazy household and it wasn't until I realized that I needed to come up with my own system that worked for not only myself and what I need done but for the cubs and the co-alpha as well. After many trials and errors I have finally found a schedule and routine that helps keep me organized and balanced without the extra stress.

I want to share this tips with all of you in hopes that maybe it can help you if you arent already doing one of these. Enjoy and please comment below one of your organizing tips. I would love to hear!

My Five Tips TO Staying Organized

1. Time Management: Listen. In order to become and stay organized the first step for me was learning how to manage my time in a day. I would find myself running ragged like a mad woman trying to accomplish a weeks worth of work in 24 hours. Listen to me when I say JUST DON'T DO IT. It adds more stress and at the day leaves you feeling guilty and unaccomplished. Which leads me into tip number dos.

2. Purchase yourself a notebook or planner: I know, it's a new day in age and everything is digital now but I will admit that I am so old school. Don't get me wrong, I'm absolutely obsessed with my iPhone but there is something reassuring about seeing my plans written down on paper. Make sure that the notebook/planner you purchase makes you want to plan. I'm a sucker for super cute things so you want to buy something you will want to use everyday.

3. Do one task at a time: The last thing you want is piles on piles of chores and lists of things you know you need to get done. What I like to do is separate my tasks by priority with the biggest priority at the top. Depending on what my day looks like I will schedule in the top 3 most important and make sure that those are spread out in my day and then those tasks with the lowest priority I make sure to schedule in for the next day. SO MUCH EASIER.

4. Learning to say NO: This is still something I, myself have to work on because I am such a people pleaser and all I want is for others to be happy so I catch myself saying yes to more things than I probably should and definitely puts more stress on me and less time to do everything else I should be doing. Sometimes it's okay to tell the in-laws that you can't make it to dinner on Saturday because, well hell, you just don't feel like going. It's perfectly OK.

5. SIMPLIFY. This is my FAVORITE tip only because I can personally tell you what a huge and positive difference this makes with everything. I'm guilty of that junk drawer in the kitchen... hell, I'm guilty of TWO gigantic junk drawers in my kitchen. Don't judge. It happens. I have cleaning out my junk drawers as my TOP priority for Saturday mornings! It is nearly impossible for me to concentrate and stay focused when I know my energy and house are cluttered. Get rid of what you don't use and what you know you don't need. It's all about throwing out what no longer serves you in order to make room for a.] clean energy flow b.] clutter free life.

So, there you have it. 5 easy steps to a more organized space and self. I can tell you that I have been applying these 5 tips to my family's lifestyle for exactly 27 days and my goal was 30 days to see how everything worked for us and I am pleased to share that applying these tips have made my days flow so much smoother. I definitely plan to keep going and change or add a few things if need be.

Until next time..

Light, love and all the kindness in the universe,



Monday Morning Coffee Talk // Happy Memorial Day

Good morning my loves and a very happy Memorial Day! I hope your three day weekend has been treating you all wonderfully. Today's post is just going to be nothing more than an early morning thought entry. I thought I would just brew myself a fresh cup of coffee to start my morning, as I always do and just sit down and share my minds thoughts with all of you, because as you will learn, I am an open book full of wander and dreams and ideas and inspiration and it just wouldn't feel right keeping it all bottled inside. See, I am extremely OCD and I am always making lists and schedules for everything. I have to have a plan and sometimes I catch myself trying to control and handle every bit of every situation. It's not something I'm proud of and it's most certainly something I have to constantly work at but that is what life is about right? Learning new and different things, scary and out of the ordinary things, so we can continue to grow for the better and finally start living our lives with purpose. I'm a gal who lives strictly by faith and by love. I don't really think it matters what all a person believes in because at the end of the day, as long as you're living your life with positive intentions and good doing then everything else is irrelevant. I've gone through a huge transition in my life this past year and as I'm getting older and becoming more wise, I start to realize that life truly is about the simple things. Like early morning coffee with my co-alpha or getting a text from a loved one I haven't heard from in a while. Being able to make breakfast for my cubs and snuggle on our cozy couch watching cartoons before we start our crazy day. It's the fulfillment in my heart I get right before I climb into bed and say a prayer each night feeling genuinely grateful for my life and many, many blessings that have been bestowed on my little family.

I like to start my Monday mornings off super early [5:30am usually] because it helps me really focus my soul and set my hearts intentions for good for the rest of my week. It's my time to reflect and tune my frequency with the universe. I feel completely off balance if I don't. There is just something so relaxing and reassuring about being able to start my mornings off alone and with the Divine, reading my devotionals and making sure I am writing down and planning out my goals, short term and long term, because like they say ''a dream without a plan is just a dream'' and I know I've spend a big chunk of my life putting my goals and dreams on the back burner because I was pretty good at blaming life but really it was just my own fear. Fear of what you ask? Honestly, failure and success. Fear of failure because the obvious answer is no one wants to fail. Fear of success because what if I can't handle the change whether it be good or bad? Worrying though, has done nothing good for me and I am so grateful that I have learned that fear is in the mindset and if I want to go out and achieve life then I have to do those things that are uncomfortable, like sitting here at my desk with my granny flannel pj's on, top knot mess, sipping on my coffee and pouring out my hearts feelings on a blog that I contemplated on starting for months but here I am, doing one of those things that scares the hell out of me because I'm human. I have to keep remembering that.

You know something crazy? As I sat down to write out this post, I really had no clue what I was going to say. I've been planning out my posts and the different topics I am thinking about discussing here on my blog and it got me thinking... why the hell am I stressing about what to write? I want to reach out and inspire others with my posts but I also want to be able to use my blog as my own personal journal so I can look back and remember these things and feel them all over again if I want.

As a newbie blogger, I would be lying if I said I don't care if others are into my blog because of course I want others to be able to relate to me and I want nothing more than to help uplift and inspire someone every single day but I don't want to forget about the reason why I started blogging, which is for me and my creative outlet. Writing has been something I have admired since I bought my very first diary at the age of 10 and although my diary entries were the basic boy crushes and school drama, it still gave me that outlet to express my feelings when no one else understood. It's the same with blogging, except now I know that there are others out there who are similar to me who need the same creative outlet and it's helped me realize that I'm not alone. We all have a purpose to serve on this earth and I'm just trying to find what my purpose is in the hopes of helping others do the same.

I hope that today is full of magic and endless possibilities for every one of you rad souls and thank you so much for sticking through my little thought bubble.

Light, love and all the kindness in the universe,



We Have The Power

Good morning sweet earthlings! I wanted today's post to focus on something that for some of us can be quite difficult to keep ourselves aware of, and that is GRATITUDE. Did you know that the more you practice gratitude, you are reducing your stress levels by 75%? Now, imagine practicing gratitude every single day for 30 days.

It's actually pretty simple and takes a lot less energy to practice being grateful than it does stressing and worrying about people and situations that do not serve any purpose in your life. A year ago, I was that person. The person who blamed and everyone and everything for my problems. I was constantly angry at the universe and always questioned why things never worked to my advantage. Which in return, the universe was sending me like situations that then lead to more obvious stress and blaming life for my problems. NOT a good way to live.

In order to live a life you truly admire and can say you are proud of, you must erase everything you think you know about how the world works.

1. Start with how you think. If you find yourself constantly saying negative things and you surround yourself with others who do the same than the Law Of Attraction says, the universe will send you like situations. For the next 30 days I want you to set a goal of saying nothing but positive things. Raise your frequency higher so your like situations are situations you enjoy.

2. If you don't have a journal. GET ONE. For the next 30 days I want you to write down 10 things you are grateful for. 5 in the morning when you wake up and 5 before you go to sleep at night. Now, don't just write them down as they come to mind. You have to truly feel each blessing as you're writing it. Feel the love and remember to give thanks after writing down each one. Say, 'thank you, thank you, thank you, for my many blessings' after each one you write down.

3. When you find yourself having a bad day or you just aren't feeling whatever it is around you, go back to your journal. Read it over and any negative thoughts you might have, switch them to where they benefit you. So for example, instead of blowing up how stressed you are about having to fix the tire on your car and you have work in 30 minutes, you have to stop and re-evaluate your situation. Yes, flat tires suck but you know, it could have been all four tires or your engine or your transmission. Stress does nothing but add more stress and more stressful situations and stress definitely doesnt help fix your problems. Instead, stop and be grateful for the fact that it was only one tire and then you focus on how to fix your challenge. In a positive way. I promise that you will start to notice a drastic change in yourself and the things happening around you.

For me personally, I have been applying gratitude and the LOA to my everyday life for a year and the upcomings and many more blessings that continue to flow in are so surreal because I was one of those skeptics that just believed life sucked and the universe was against me. NO. The universe gives you exactly what you send out. Your frequency is everything. We are connected and intune with all that is and once we get ourselves to truly believe that, is when the true magic happens. Be aware of your feelings and emotions and most importantly, your thoughts and actions.

Our thoughts become our life and where you are in your life today was completely set on how you have been handling your situations. Want to see change in your life in ALL aspects? Then you must start with a grateful heart and vibrate your energy higher. We all have low and high frequencies. Low frequencies cause the stress and negativity and the fear that most of us face day in and day out. It keeps us in a box and comfortable because its what we are used to. Don't live your life that way. Your frequency has to be at its highest every single day to reap the FULL benefits of a truly happy life. Punch that fear in the face. Step outside of your comfort zone and let the universe know that you're ready to make this change. The change to better yourself and better your life and fill your soul with the satisfaction of hard work, consistency, GRATITUDE and positive thinking.

The human spirit is so powerful and most of us don't even know the power we hold within our very beings. If I told you that you have the power to change everything about yourself and about your life, would you believe me?

Give it a try.

Ask: Focus on what you truly desire.
Believe: Believe that whatever it is, you already have.
Receive: Express gratitude every single day, do whatever it takes to get you to your goal and keep your frequency high at all times to receive your deepest desires. [no matter what that desire requies]

Look at the universe as your business partner. You give out those thoughts and those desires that you hold dear in your soul and the universe in return will feel your frequency and send you those back in return; but you must do your part as well. 50/50 partnership. You want certain things to change in your life, you must take those steps to reach your highest potential while the universe is working to give you those desires.

It's simple. Show gratitude, think positive, be kind, work hard, serve others, live the life you desire.

I hope you all walk away from this post with your best interests at heart.

I love you and I hope you make the best of your Thursday.

Light + all the love in the universe,



Welcome to HERsailingSOUL. A FREESPIRIT blog.

Hello dear souls, and thank you so much for stopping by. I wanted to take a moment and use this first post as a re-introduction for both myself and my blog. For those of you who have read my previous blog(s), WELCOME back and for every new; my name is Courtney. I am a wife and mama.
I have had several different blog names in the past and each blog has been different. I have spent majority of my life trying to find my niche, my little place on this earth that allowed me to express my passions while also serving others. I have grown a lot in the past couple of years and I have been trying out different things to see what works best for me.

Although, I am not one for labels, because I think labeling ourselves and our status's can make life more complicated so this here blog is just a public journal for me to share all things i am passionate about and I hope to reach out to others whose souls are just as wild and free and in some way dont feel the need to be tamed!

The name behind my blog HERsailingSOUL is a justification of just how much my entire being craves for fresh and new. Somewhere deep inside of all of us is a wandering soul and I feel that we should all be striving on a daily basis to try new and scary, adventurous things! Some call me indecisive, and that may well be but the term I prefer is SAILING. I am just sailing out, past the horizon, letting the divine and the universe lead the way.

I will write about what I feel and see and adore with no hesitations or fears because life is about expression, and realness. For us to truly live happy and free, we must first find self love, self peace, self acceptance and self respect. We must all learn that the truest fact is our thoughts become our lives and we are creating it every minute of every day.

So, here is to life and love and learning to sail our souls free.

Light and love,

Courtney <3