Dear Friday, thank you for being here because this week has been rough and I am sooooo looking forward to some down time this weekend.
Dear Cubs, as much as this mama wolf loves you both I would truly appreciate it if you could both stop bickering at one another and learn to share your toys before I completely lose my mind and drop you both off at a street corner with a sign that says 'FREE' {totally kidding. kind of.}
Dear Coffee, I love you.
Dear Husband, thank you for working so hard this past week and dealing with my over emotional, pms-ing womanly mood swings. You da best.
Dear Lady Gaga, you've officially made my life in the new season of AHS.
Dear Neighbor Girl, I understand that sometimes kids can be annoying but please stop cussing at your three year old daughter. She's only three and you should probably learn better parenting skills. Just saying.
Dear October, you've been a busy month but I am so grateful for you.
Dear Mother Nature, it's fall. Why has it been 80 degrees?!
Dear self, you're overwhelmed but you've got this. Take a breather.
Dear whoever is reading this, you are beautiful, you are strong and you are the creator of all things great. You've worked your ass off this week and deserve personal time. Enjoy your weekend.