

farmers market recap // thoughts on motherhood

((When in doubt, you pack up the kids and take a trip to your local Farmer's Market. Believe it or not, this past weekend was not only my first experience at a Farmer's Market, but it was the first for the cubs as well; which made it that much more special. We are normally extreme homebodies. Home is our favorite place to create joy and memories but it's always nice to get out and about and explore new and exciting things. The cubs had an absolute blast. We bought organic cookies and walked around exploring the different veggie tents. We drank fresh, cold-pressed juice and smelled all the beautiful flowers. This mama even brought home some pretty gorgeous snap dragons. We even got to roam around and explore through their garden.

The fun didn't stop there though. Afterwards we headed out to lunch and headed to our local park where the cubs got to see wildlife, run free range on the playground and through the open fields. Play a guitar, which belonged to a very sweet young man that we all got the pleasure of meeting, Hi, Brent, if you happen to read this! We went out for italian ice and this mama made sure she stopped by the perfect little juice spot for fresh kombucha. It was a Saturday very well spent and enjoyed.))

When I get asked advice about motherhood, I can only give my opinion/advice based off of the personal experiences I have had. Every day is different, every child is different and every mother is different. The way I may teach my children, works perfectly for us, but might not be another mothers preference. That is the beauty of motherhood, though. We all come from different walks of life and we all handle different yet similar situations and experiences how we feel fit. We should embrace the differences because ultimately, we are all just trying to do what is best for our littles and ourselves. I have to say that no matter how choose to you raise your children, what you teach them, how you spend your days with them, if it's making them happy and it's making you happy, I raise my mama hat to you because this mom gig is not easy and it takes a strong, willing woman to put in work.

Simplicity and intention IS the theme for our lifestyle and I will continue to share and encourage anyone who comes across my blog and finds interest. Only because the light in their eyes and the high vibes put out by my cubs on Saturday, proves enough for me to know that they don't care about how much money we may or may not have, they don't care about owning 20 different pairs of the same shoes in different colors, they don't care if we have one tv or 4. Having materialistic things don't phase my children, and I've worked day in and day out to make sure they truly understand the value of life. FAMILY. LOVE. KINDNESS. SHARING. TRUST. MEMORIES. HONESTY. GRACE. JOY.

We've replaced unhealthy habits like watching too much tv, eating too many sweets in one sitting, not cleaning up after ourselves, spending too much time on the internet, etc... and we have replaced them with more intentional and healthy habits like: Reading more, WAY more. Choosing fruit over sugary candy, remembering to spend 15-20 to pick up after ourselves and spend as much time out in nature, exploring and learning something we didn't know the day before. It's perfect for bonding as a family and it's such a wonderful way to help your littles learn that there is so much more out there than what meets the eye. Our earth truly is an extraordinary place with so many wonders and opportunities waiting to be opened and explored...

You know, out of everything I have learned as a mother, the one thing I take with me each and every day, whether it be a good day, bad day, okay day, a lock yourself in the bathroom an hour before daddy gets home kind of day, or the most perfect day; PATIENCE IS A VIRTUE.
I used to think that was a load of crap. It isn't. It's the truth. And it isn't easy. Hell, some days I want to give up and hop off the patience band wagon, but I don't. You want to know why?

Our littles can feel the exact same emotions we do. They get angry, sad, frustrated, annoyed, overwhelmed and fearful just as we do. It's our job to sooth those emotions for them though. We are quick to feel what we are feeling and act upon that to nip whatever the situation is in the bud but we fail to realize that if we just calm down long enough to breathe, show sympathy and compassion and be patient enough to listen to what our littles are feeling, the situation can go from a category 8 hurricane to a very subtle, calm wave in the ocean. Where no one is yelling, no one is crying. You're open ears and open heart and your babe(s) feels safe and calm enough to open up and express.
It's one of the greatest feelings as a mother, when you learn to control your own ego to understand the energy of another. Especially when that earthling is a small piece of you.

Without learning to tune into my patience, I wouldn't be half the woman or half the mother I am today.

I hope you are all having a wonderful week filled with so much grace, intention and most of all joy.
You deserve every ounce of joy. Create it, feel it, be it and embrace it.

Until next time,

All my love.


maintaining intention and joy for your home.

Hello, friends! Spring has officially sprung and the air couldn't be any more crisp and refreshing if I do say so. The change in seasons has always been something I hold near and dear to my heart because each season brings new meaning. As the winter slumber slowly but surely disappeared, spring had sprung the beautiful new life of our green trees and grass, beautiful oranges, yellows and reds of our flowers and the sun's rays shine so bright it can be blinding. With spring time upon us, I am always reminded of the simplicity it brings. This season is about new life and new growth and ridding of any and all clutter that has accumulated through fall/winter and making way for less so we can enjoy more of the things that matter most, which of course is time spent with the ones who matter the most.

Since beginning my minimalism journey and truly trying to live more intentional for not only myself but for my family as well, it has been a life changing experience. We don't realize how much clutter we actually hold onto, in our homes, in our thoughts and even in our hearts. Having loads of "STUFF" may be great but ultimately it comes with nothing but stress. And not only physical stress because we have to worry about constantly cleaning and organizing, but mental and emotional stress. Holding onto extra baggage can take a toll on our energy and how we feel about our life and ourselves. Creating a clutter free home and creating habits to maintain it can have a hugely positive impact on your mood and those around you. Daniel and I have been striving this season to make simplicity and intention a theme for our home and our life. We find that life is less complicated and we can actually make time to do things we've been longing to do. This transition has actually been a blast for us because as we get older we are truly starting to understand that simplicity and doing the small things with big care can make all the world of difference.

In this post I wanted to share a few ways that you too can create a clutter free home and start living more joyfully with more intention..

 // Make your bed every morning. This is something I honestly never saw the point in because you just hop right back into at bedtime, but once I started making the habit, it truly set the tone for our entire day.

// Baskets. Get some. They will become your best friend. If I have learned anything about creating a more simple and hassle free environment, it is to make sure everything you own has a home. My cleaning routine used to consist of just throwing things in drawers and in the closets and then when it was time to find something, I never could. It's the out of sight out of mind mindset, and it's not a good one to have.  You need to know where you place your belongings.

// Donate. This is new for me. When I would clean and declutter, I would literally throw everything in the garbage. Don't do this, please. There are people out there who could use the stuff that no longer serves you so create a donate bin and take it to your nearest good will at least twice a month.

// Tidy up before bed. This is also a new one for us. After we get the boys bathed and in bed and before we decide to watch a movie or do anything we like to set our timer for 25 minutes and we make sure we clean up everything we can. Especially the dishes. My biggest pet peeve is having dirty dishes in the sink in the morning. It doesn't set a very good tone to the morning. You want your home to be a reflection of yourself. Plus, I love when my kiddos wake up to a sparkly clean home.

// Light a candle. Just because a beautifully smelling home brings in all the calm.

// Keep counters and tables clear. These spaces clutter fast with mail, keys, papers, etc. Which this goes back to make sure everything has a home. Like I said, baskets are amazing.

// When decorating remember that less is always more. You want your home to be cozy and comfortable but not confusing. Minimal decor is always the best way to go. It keeps a fresh and open  and welcoming environment.

// If you have multiple or if you own something you haven't used in over a month, get rid of it. It's a waste of space.

// For my impulsive shoppers (I'm still working on this) if you see something you think you NEED, ask yourself... "Do I absolutely love this?" And then ask yourself "Do I absolutely need this?" If the answer is no. Don't buy it. It saves time, space and moolah. Trust me.

Well, there you have it. I sure hope someone can find these tips helpful. I know I sure enjoyed sharing them with you. They have been game changers for me.

Also remember that you are strong, you are brave, you are capable, you are beautiful and you are a force to be reckoned with. PLEASE, please don't ever for that.



april goals

Happy Monday! Any one else's weekend just fly right on by?  It's been a busy, busy past few weeks for my little tribe, as we have tons of new & exciting, yet scary & big changes coming! I cannot believe that it's already April. Where the hell is 2016 going?! I'm super stoked for this year and I cannot wait to see what it will bring us personally, spiritually, mentally, professionally. As someone who has been an on and off blogger since 2011, you would think I have my shit together, but in reality, I don't, and I don't know a single being who really does have all their ducks in a row. And you know something? It's perfectly cool not to. Life is a journey meant to be traveled on slowly and intentionally. Finding what works and what doesn't. I told myself that if I picked back up on writing and rebranding my blog, that I would give it 100% of my dedication and creativity. I want to truly brand myself, my blog and my writing as my business empire. And so, I wanted to share a few of my goals for this month. Both personally and professionally....

April Goals:

Personal Goals:

+ Create a daily routine/schedule that works for everyone.

+ Read at least 4 books this month.

+ Workout 30 minutes a day. No excuses. Even if it's only yoga.

+ Drink less coffee, try more herbal tea.

+ Finish spring cleaning and decluttering the house.

+ Minimize the cubs' wardrobe for spring/summer.

+ Spend more time outdoors and unplugged.

Her Sailing Soul Goals:

+ Schedule better and in advance.

+ Put finishing touches on my Capsule Wardrobe post.

+ Create content that is intentional and inspiring.

+ Continue growing my social media.

+ Up the ante on my blog traffic.

+ Collaborate with at least 3 other brands/bloggers.

+ Film for YouTube at least 1-2 times per week.

I am setting such high expectations and standards for myself this month because although I have been working my tail off, I know I can do so much more than I've been leading myself to believe. April is my goal getting month and I don't want to waste a second of it!

I sure hope you beautiful beings have realized your full potential by now and if you haven't, thats okay too. Keep striving. Keep on journey of learning and molding and remember that you don't want to know everything. Always be teachable. Always be willing. And ALWAYS keep your true intentions conscious. You deserve happiness and you deserve to be obsessed with life. YOUR life. Because, you are creating it as you see fit, right? Make sure you're creating goals and you're keeping them close to you at all times. Dreams don't work unless you do. So, LET'S DO WORK.

And like I always say, REMEMBER that you are strong, you are beautiful, you are courageous, you are bold and brave and a true force to be reckoned with!

And don't you e v e r forget that. Ever.
