

Thankful Thursday II

I can't believe that it is already Thursday yet again.
This week has been so busy yet it feels like it just flew right by.
I know I am definitely looking forward to the weekend but I wanted to share yet another #ThankfulThursday post because there is always something to be grateful for, right?

I am thankful for : My yoga practice for helping me relieve this past weeks tensions and bringing my focus back to just breathing and being aware.

I am thankful for : Jasmine, and our blossoming friendship! It has been SO amazing bonding with this beauty and I cannot wait for our many project together! Love you girl! 

I am thankful for : The divine's new morning mercies and everyday grace.

I am thankful for : Coffee, always and forever because for me, it's a lot deeper than just a cup of caffeine... but that's a different blog post.

I am thankful for : My sweet co-alpha and his many efforts in helping me through my many struggles this past week.

I am thankful for : Blogging and this blogging community. Seriously, you all are incredible beings and the love and support you have shown me here has been most appreciated. I love you all dearly.

I am thankful for : The little things in my life that remind me just how much I am blessed.

What are you earthlings thankful for today? I would love for you to share!

Light, Love + all the kindness in the universe,

- Courtney


  1. I am tankful for my husband who has been taking care of me and our baby while we have colds! Praying he doesn't catch it too.

  2. I'm so thankful for such a fun date night with my 9 yr old niece last night. She's growing up too fast.

  3. I'm definitely excited for our new adventure together. Love ya too!!! xo

  4. It's always so amazing to make connections with bloggers! It's been my favorite part about blogging!

    xo, Chelsie @ Life with Rosie

  5. I am thankful that school is nearly over for the summer. We all need a break!

  6. I'm thankful for my supportive hubby and fricken crockpot and candles :)
