

September Goals

Happy Tuesday all! So, before it gets too late into the week I wanted to share my monthly goals. I always write down my goals in my moleskin journal and I've previously shared weekly goals on my blog but I feel in order to really keep myself on track and accountable, I should post my monthly goals any and everywhere!

Blog Goals: revamp and move to wordpress - post at least three days a week - find inspiration in everything - stay consistent - be more active with not only my blog but readers and blogger groups as well -

Mom Goals: be better at reading every night at bedtime and not missing a prayer - organize fun arts and craft activities for the weekends and non school days - research a good parenting book and finish this month - hug and kiss on my boys as much as possible because they're growing way too fast -

Wife Goals: turn our bedroom into our sanctuary - unplug at 7pm and make sure we are getting our time in after the boys are in bed - learn to compromise a little better - watch my stubbornness - compliment my co-alpha as much as he compliments me - find him the perfect birthday gift as his birthday is September 23rd -

Personal Goals: practice my yoga 60 minutes a day - dig deep into my yoga book - find two personal development books to finish this month - get back on track with my eating and fitness goals - less coffee more tea - less wine more water - meditate - cleanse and activate crystals - buy a new hoop -

BIG GOAL: Take it one day at a time. Be in tune with myself and the universe.

Are you a goal digger, list maker?!
What are some of your monthly goals?
I would LOVE to hear them, er, read them! ;)