

The Best Body WARM UP.


I know what you might be thinking... Who needs a warm up right? Why can't we just go straight into the hardcore stuff. I understand that sometimes warming up can get so boring and most people feel like its pointless. Well, I'm here to tell you that warming up before a work-out is SO important. Not only does it help get your heart rate up and the blood flowing but warming up also plays a huge part in injury prevention! Warming up can also be fun if you incorporate the right moves!
These moves I'm going to share help aid in your core strength, stability, and overall coordination! These moves without a doubt get your body stretched out and ready to move! --
1. Rotating Lunges: Builds balance, stability, and core strength.
Stand with feet hip-width apart, holding a dumbbell at chest level. Take a giant step forward with left leg. Bend left knee and lower until thigh is parallel to floor. Hold, and rotate torso to right for 3 seconds, keeping dumbbell in front of chest. Rotate to center and then stand back up, bringing right foot next to left. Repeat, stepping with right leg and twisting to left. Alternate for 12 to 15 reps each side.
2. Single leg squat w/ arm-circles: Builds balance, coordination, and stability
Stand with feet hip width a part and arms out parallel. lift one leg to knee level and squat while at performing tiny arm circles. 12 reps on each side. Take your time with these. Single leg squats alone are already hard.
3. Good ol' jumping jacks: Develops agility, coordination, balance, core stability, and strength
Assume an erect position, with feet together and arms at your side. Slightly bend your knees, and propel yourself a few inches into the air. While in air, bring your legs out to the side about shoulder width or slightly wider. As you are moving your legs outward, you should raise your arms up over your head; arms should be slightly bent throughout the entire in-air movement. Your feet should land shoulder width or wider as your hands meet above your head with arms slightly bent and then quickly jump back to first position. do for 60 seconds.
4. Toes touches and knee up: Balance, coordination, and strength
Start with feet wider than hip width part and arms out parallel. Take opposite hand and reach down to opposite side, touching your toes and as you come up lift knee up and back down again. Alternate each leg for 12-15 reps.
Courtney Edwards

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