

5 Crucial Tips To Staying Organized

Hi there beautiful beings. Today I really wanted to touch down on a subject that I am vital about, and that is staying organized. As a WAHM [work at home mama] I have gone through so many different systems to try and get a routine working for my crazy household and it wasn't until I realized that I needed to come up with my own system that worked for not only myself and what I need done but for the cubs and the co-alpha as well. After many trials and errors I have finally found a schedule and routine that helps keep me organized and balanced without the extra stress.

I want to share this tips with all of you in hopes that maybe it can help you if you arent already doing one of these. Enjoy and please comment below one of your organizing tips. I would love to hear!

My Five Tips TO Staying Organized

1. Time Management: Listen. In order to become and stay organized the first step for me was learning how to manage my time in a day. I would find myself running ragged like a mad woman trying to accomplish a weeks worth of work in 24 hours. Listen to me when I say JUST DON'T DO IT. It adds more stress and at the day leaves you feeling guilty and unaccomplished. Which leads me into tip number dos.

2. Purchase yourself a notebook or planner: I know, it's a new day in age and everything is digital now but I will admit that I am so old school. Don't get me wrong, I'm absolutely obsessed with my iPhone but there is something reassuring about seeing my plans written down on paper. Make sure that the notebook/planner you purchase makes you want to plan. I'm a sucker for super cute things so you want to buy something you will want to use everyday.

3. Do one task at a time: The last thing you want is piles on piles of chores and lists of things you know you need to get done. What I like to do is separate my tasks by priority with the biggest priority at the top. Depending on what my day looks like I will schedule in the top 3 most important and make sure that those are spread out in my day and then those tasks with the lowest priority I make sure to schedule in for the next day. SO MUCH EASIER.

4. Learning to say NO: This is still something I, myself have to work on because I am such a people pleaser and all I want is for others to be happy so I catch myself saying yes to more things than I probably should and definitely puts more stress on me and less time to do everything else I should be doing. Sometimes it's okay to tell the in-laws that you can't make it to dinner on Saturday because, well hell, you just don't feel like going. It's perfectly OK.

5. SIMPLIFY. This is my FAVORITE tip only because I can personally tell you what a huge and positive difference this makes with everything. I'm guilty of that junk drawer in the kitchen... hell, I'm guilty of TWO gigantic junk drawers in my kitchen. Don't judge. It happens. I have cleaning out my junk drawers as my TOP priority for Saturday mornings! It is nearly impossible for me to concentrate and stay focused when I know my energy and house are cluttered. Get rid of what you don't use and what you know you don't need. It's all about throwing out what no longer serves you in order to make room for a.] clean energy flow b.] clutter free life.

So, there you have it. 5 easy steps to a more organized space and self. I can tell you that I have been applying these 5 tips to my family's lifestyle for exactly 27 days and my goal was 30 days to see how everything worked for us and I am pleased to share that applying these tips have made my days flow so much smoother. I definitely plan to keep going and change or add a few things if need be.

Until next time..

Light, love and all the kindness in the universe,



  1. Thanks for the tips! I am always trying to stay more organized but I always get side tracked. I like the stick to one task idea! Thanks for sharing!

    1. Yes! Concentrating on one task at a time makes the flow easier! So happy you enjoyed my post! Happy Wednesday. :)

  2. OMG, I need to think of my spare bedroom in the get organized terms. Maybe I could just take one corner at a time and it would get done! We moved in Sept and all the extra boxes ended up in there so who knows what treasures I am missing. Great tips.

    1. Twinsies! We have been in our home for exactly one year and our spare bedroom is just now getting organized! Shhh. Haha. It warms my heart that you found my tips helpful! Xoxo

  3. Yes!! I am so guilty of not being a "finisher"-- I will start 10 things and accomplish nothing. I have really started to be very mindful of the present moment and just do what it is that I started. I agree a planner is key! Love the new blog/look! I would love to read more about crystal work/energy if you have time to share!!

  4. Good advice. Saying no is hard sometimes.

    1. For sure! I'm so guilty of giving in but sometimes it's just necessary. :)

  5. Great tips! I'm so with you on the old-school planner. I keep a blank notebook with me at all times and constantly am writing down to-do lists, blog ideas, plans, grocery lists. It keeps me more organized then any app I've tried!

    xo, Chelsie @ Life with Rosie

  6. I gotta agree with this. I can't live without my notebook or cellphone. It's where I jot things down. And my planner to keep me organized

  7. HUGE yes to #3! That is one that I have to work on every single day.
