

Monday Morning Coffee Talk

Happy Monday earthlings! I hope that everyone enjoyed their weekend! I know it was nice to finally unwind and spend some quality time with my loved ones! So, we are back again and we are talking goals! I'm just going to jump right into my three goals for this week...

Goal #1 : This goal was my first goal for last week and that was to film my first YOUTUBE video and although, I have filmed it, I am still trying to get past the actually watching it and editing it and then having the guts to actually post it SO, I am going to make it a goal this week to get it edited and hopefully *fingers crossed* uploaded.

Goal #2 : Start Kayla Itsines Bikini Body Guide 1.0 and stick it out through the entire 12 weeks! I am awesome with starting workout programs but I am terrible at finishing them.
I will finish this one!

Goal #3 : My third goal is top on my priority list this week and it is to start posting more educational content that pertains to more natural, holistic and creative living since that is what I'm all about! For anyone who has any suggestions on topics they would like to learn more about, I am definitely all ears!

Now... let me see your goals and I always like to remind you to set your intentions high for this week and be aware of what you're feeding your energy with! Always vibrate higher!

Light, love and all the kindness in the universe,

- Courtney


  1. Watch the video, edit and post it. I promise you will love it. I can't wait to see it.

  2. Love goal talk. Best of luck with that bikini thing! You already look amazing. As for the video... Lemme watch it :) ill give you pointers for you to get the confidence you need to post it. Congrats im excited!

  3. So excited for your video!! And I'm right there with you on trying to get swim suit ready.
